Monday, March 28, 2011

word weight

"I just ran over your dog." What do you feel? You feel upset, angry, sad, and a lot of other possible negative emotions? Of course you do. You probably feel that because of the statement's subject. But not because of the words itself. Why not? Don't words have power? They do but i feel that they lack a certain power to "Compel". If you disect the sentence you won't find any sort of power at all. Lets do just that to illistrate my point.

"I" refering to the self, me, the person whom you are conversing refering to one's self. "I" 9th letter of the alphabet. Not alot of feeling or power or compulsion in just I

"Just" Refering to one being just, a moment ago.

"Ran" Have run, run in a previous time.

"Over" above, higher than some other object, place, ideal, person.

"Your" What you have, possessions, things of ownership.

"Dog" a four legged mammal that has been domesticated by humans, a pet, a friend, a low state of being ex. "That man is a Dog",

Each word has no strength, No significant power. The English language is one of little power there isn't much emotion or compelling to it at all. I feel that our language needs a bit more discretion when using certain words. I had this conversation with my friend and he says the world Love is tossed around all the time in the media and such. It lost some of its meaning. When you think of the word love you have the thoughts of a fiery, powerful emotion that is attributed to another human being. I feel that words shouldn't just describe how we feel, words should make us feel as we say them. If i say Love i should feel the emotion love or be feeling Love when i say it. Words should be able to convey that power no matter the situation that they're used in. If i say Murder i expect some some sort of sign of displeasure or revulsion from the subject at hand but not for the word to be casually thrown about and said without any feeling like when someone in the news says "Today the marks the anniversary of the Murder of ....." Words, just by saying them, should be able to compel emotion to significant degrees. And as such our society shouldn't be able to just toss words about like they are so very cheep. Though they aren't hard to fabricate they are an invaluable resource for all.


  1. i agree with what you say, especially the love part. People say it way to much so you have to weed through the usage to find the truth

  2. Now a days words really are not all that powerful anyone can say anything to try and win you over but do they really mean it?! Anyone can say I love you or I will do this or never do that but does it really mean anything without the actions to suppoert it? I believe people have to walk the walk also...they have to back their words up with action..look at the politicians!!! They will say anything they think the American people want to hear in order to win than get in office and forget what they said!!

  3. Ahhh... but a true poet, a talented author, or an amazing song writer can string words together in such a way that that the reader or listener is brought to tears, brought to their feet in outrage, or transcended through time as waves of memory wash over them.
    And words spoken in anger, never able to be retracted, can cut deeper than any knife, and leave wounds that may never heal.
    Don't underestimate the power of words...
