Nother late post....
OK guys, here's my forth on my ranking of things I hate. I Hate Hate....just do. Hate is just a useless emotion that completely limits ones potential and uses up valuable energy for no good reason. I mean there are some good hates like hating bad things like killing and hate itself but its just a big circle of hate to hate hate. But none the less reasonable to hate it. Intolerance and anger to something isn't always bad. Killing incites much anger from many people therefore it is completely reasonable to hate killing/murder. But hating hate is something that isn't as resonable, first off its a contradiction of the whole premise. If you hate hate, then you hate that you hate hate and so on and so forth until infinity. So hating hate is completely unreasonable. It is better to say i hate the feeling of hate. Its nothing but a burn, a constant warm feeling that doesn't go away. It leads to outbursts and complete loss of control, it also makes you do things you wouldn't usually do. Feeling hate is almost always unpleasant. So I guess that wraps up number 4, i might post other thoughts on my other 3 hates. but i'm tired and its 2 Am so i 'm gunna go to bed.
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