Monday, March 14, 2011

Stand divided, stand alone

Sorry. late post. I'll do better next time blah blah blah.....

Almost everyone will have to stand alone at some point in their lives. Sometimes that the right choice it the one where your made to face wrong alone. But when your making a choice it is crucial that you have no doubt, no regret before and after the consequence, and follow thorough to the end. If you can't abide by these conditions you become divided, you doubt yourself. You wonder, is this the right decision? Am I in the right? At this moment you become the enemy and lead yourself down a self destructive path. I was told too late in my life when someone said, "Live your life without any regrets." I got angry at them for not telling me sooner, why wasn't this told when i could first comprehend language? It is something that am now at peace with, I have yet to meet the person who has no regrets. I have made many decisions where i argue to myself whether they were the right or wrong, but in the end it is just a simple decision, nothing too major. If it was then oh well, remember to do better next time. At least divided you will feel a little relief when the moment comes where you say, "See, i knew in my gut that was the right decision." Publicly standing divided is a bit more acceptable then taking an aggressively forward stance.

Standing divided i will argue is worse than standing alone. Its better to have a hoard of enemies then to be your own. But standing alone isn't always the correct decision. Perhaps your the only one standing for the wrong option, sometimes following the crowd is the correct thing to do, at least for the time being. Many times i have stood alone, one of the only ones to make a decision that i believed was correct. On more than one occasion i was wrong, this has dissuaded me from making a spectacle of myself by stating Right and Wrong. But i have also felt the sting of being alone when making the objectively right choice. Having to betray friends because i believed i was right. The loneliness is something everyone will have to face no matter how right you are. I would rather stand alone for the right decision then to stand divided.

What would you rather stand? Divided or Alone.

1 comment:

  1. I would rather stand alone. I vow to tell my children always make a decision you and God can live with.. if you even have a little doubt that it is not the right one than do not do it or re think it!! Because the wrong choice can haunt you for the rest of your life.. it is your life and no one can live it for you!! You have to be happy with yourself and the decisions u make!
