Monday, February 28, 2011


No time like the present everyone says. But it is also true that there will be a tomorrow. Some say why do for today when you can save for tomorrow. Well i was too engrossed in what i was doing to remember to blog on Sunday so i am late in my post. I feel that even though I'll probably not get graded for this it is still something that should be done (That and I'm putting off my other paper due tomorrow).

Time is so grand and trivial. Everything is due at a certain time but there is always a factor of being late. I recall many times i have arrived late to an appointment or engagement. How can you be late? There is virtually unlimited time in the world so why is it so important to be at a certain place at a certain time? I guess people are afraid of choas. everyone doing things without the frame of refferance of time.Can you imagine your life without the idea of time. The sun rises and sets, the seas tide still storms the beach and retreats but you can't tell how long its been or when something will happen or tell if anthing had happened. No seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centeries, millenia. No way to record time. Its a chaotic idea, one that makes me smile just thinking about it. It can allow us to not worry. To go about our lives without being pushed forward constantly by the flow of today's modern life. No more lateness but i guess it would be called choas then.

1 comment:

  1. My brother has a problem with being late. He and his wife think that it is alright to show up for family gatherings 1 to 2 hours late.
