Monday, February 28, 2011


No time like the present everyone says. But it is also true that there will be a tomorrow. Some say why do for today when you can save for tomorrow. Well i was too engrossed in what i was doing to remember to blog on Sunday so i am late in my post. I feel that even though I'll probably not get graded for this it is still something that should be done (That and I'm putting off my other paper due tomorrow).

Time is so grand and trivial. Everything is due at a certain time but there is always a factor of being late. I recall many times i have arrived late to an appointment or engagement. How can you be late? There is virtually unlimited time in the world so why is it so important to be at a certain place at a certain time? I guess people are afraid of choas. everyone doing things without the frame of refferance of time.Can you imagine your life without the idea of time. The sun rises and sets, the seas tide still storms the beach and retreats but you can't tell how long its been or when something will happen or tell if anthing had happened. No seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centeries, millenia. No way to record time. Its a chaotic idea, one that makes me smile just thinking about it. It can allow us to not worry. To go about our lives without being pushed forward constantly by the flow of today's modern life. No more lateness but i guess it would be called choas then.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


While shoveling i thought about how the shovel moved the snow. Not really the physics behind the act but more or less the principle of the matter. The shovel had power over the snow, the word I used was Sovereignty. Sovereignty is having power over something else, sort of a king and peasant relationship. I thought about this and realized that all power is Sovereignty. Humans have Sovereignty of the world. We use the earth and mine its resources and rarely give back. We are a greedy Sovereign. But at the same time the earth has Sovereignty over us. It throws tornadoes and hurricanes at us and there is nothing in all our power we can do to stop them. A volcano erupts and we run from the lava. A tsunami floods the land and we attempt to pick up the pieces. If the Earth were a living organism much like ourselves it may attempt to have full Sovereignty over the air and choke us with our own breath. But as always in the world there will be Sovereignty.   

Friday, February 11, 2011


Recently i have had a feeling as if I were blind. Though i do not have perfect vision i can still see quite well. I can read without error and identify objects at a good distance away with my glasses but it doesn't feel as if I'm seeing a tree outside the window or the monitor in front of my face. There is seeing and object and there is "Seeing". I feel as if there are thousands of things that i simply do not "see" on a regular bases like a fly on the wall when rushing to class or a cloud in the sky when driving home. These things pass us by when we prioritize. There is so much wonder in the world but now it seems few of us see it or acknowledge it at face value. I know that there are important things in our lives that we are compelled to but there is something equally important by just sitting down and looking out your window. On the other side of the coin there is also many horrible things in the world that we do not see. You hear about famine in countries that are beyond our sight and we feel pity and think of ways to help but rarely act upon them. We would forget ourselves if we saw famine in front of us now. But for most acknowledging a problem involves the "Seeing" of the problem. So I ask, what good is our sight? There is so much to see, so much that I can confidently say that no one person will ever see it all. But we should not let that stop us, we should let it inspire us. That there is always something unknown out there, something to take as it is, at face value. Sight should be used to see the smallest details, admire beauty and horror alike. Take time to just watch the world. Let your eyes guide and inspire you.