Monday, April 11, 2011

Too many sides

There are too many sides to any one story. I'm finding that out now. I always heard that there was your side, the other side, and the truth, but can't there be just the truth. We try to tell the truth and lie for other's (and possibly our) best interests but now in the middle of it i don't even think there is a truth side at all. Each side might like to spin lies to each other and try to win my support, the lies that ruin the truth. And when there is truth from one side, it's always a half truth, "She was always mad." My father would say. But my mother would say "I was mad because he kept saying i was mad, i didn't know what i felt." Each side flipping and flopping, intentionally and inadvertently attempting to gain my favor. I just wish i wasn't the one they went to when they wanted to talk about each other behind their backs. Because I'm the calm one, I'm the one who doesn't blow up when they hear something they don't like, I'm the one who is willing to hear it (for my own curiosity of the truth and so they can vent). I see truth from both sides and notice the lies, but when it comes down to it, all they need to do is talk to each other to work things out, but they don't. Sometimes i need to vent too. Sorry blog, if you had consciousness I'd feel even worse that you'd sit through my ramblings. I also apologize to my blog viewers, i just needed to get that on paper. Or on hard data? I'm not sure what it is on a computer.

Ok so we got your side. The right side you would say. The wrong side the "other" side would say. And we don't know what the truthful side would say. On your side you only got you, your experience, and your feelings. Feeling's can muddle the truth or amplify it depending on application. The problem with experience is that its a subjective stand point in relation to what really happened. You only know what your five senses told you. So your at a limited stand point. The good news it that the "other" side is also at this point as well. Bad news is that they might know something you don't, and as such might have an edge. Good news is that you might have knowledge they don't have either. When these two sides meet there is the formation of the truth, or its complete obliteration depending on what your motivations are.

First is the reconstruction of what happened. Lets say your accused of stealing a priceless gem in a museum when the power momentarily shut down. You were standing the closest to the gem when the power went out trying to get a good picture of it. You saw a man in a suit also close to the gem whispering into his cell phone. There was also an old lady who was chatting up the crowd of people about how she would love to have that as necklace. When the lights went out you were the furthest from it because you were fumbling in the dark and ended up near the exit doors as a consequence. What you know is that when fumbling in the dark is you bumped into three objects when moving. After bumping into the third object you heard the sound of the gem's display case being smashed on the ground. Moments after bumping into the third object the lights turned on and security came and arrested you for questioning along with everyone else. You recount every vivid detail of what happened when the lights went out to security. This is fragment one of the truth.

The other side is comparing your story to what the other witnesses said. The Man in the suit claims that he felt someone bump  into him and then the display case broke. He felt what he thinks to be a camera bump into him after the display case broke, heading in the direction of the exit. When questioned about his phone call he simply replied that it was a "private matter". The old lady caught the man saying, "That's too little, I'm going to need more." as if he were discussing the price of something. When the lights went out she was in the middle of turning, losing her bearings she says she walked into something and then the display case shattered. She was seen before the theft she was holding a large designer handbag, it is now not in her possession. This is another fragment of truth.
The final step for the security is to take all they've heard and construct the truth from the fragments. From the lies and truth are sifted, mixed, and constructed into what is thought to be the truth. The truth, if any lies are added, might be completely obliterated. There is only one chance to get it right, if the ruined truth is accepted, someone who is innocent will be wrongfully imprisoned. If the majority are satisfied with justice then the truth might never be found. The more sides to a story, the harder it is to construct the truth.

The truth is a puzzle, the more pieces, the harder it is to construct. Some wish to hide the pieces. Do you hide the pieces?

Sorry about all the green, F'd up my post so i had to highlight it all so you could read it. Enjoy i hope.

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